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An Experienced Provider of Jewelry in Delmarva

Sasha's Jewels provides the community with fine jewelry in Delmarva. Our shop was founded by graduate gemologist and bench mechanic Madeleine Sasha. Madeleine entered the jewelry business at a mere 13 years of age. She was one of the first students to enroll at the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in 1977, which would eventually grow into the foremost gemological education center in the nation.

Madeleine worked for a renowned Russian jeweler for two years as an apprentice, demonstrating her innate passion and enthusiasm for the craft. By age 18, Madeleine owned and operated a jewelry business in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Madeleine has devoted her entire life to providing quality jewelry and customer service. Madeleine enjoys the jewelry business and the interaction with clients and customers in order to make their goals a reality, whether they are selling, buying or designing a new piece of jewelry. Madeleine has bought items at antique shows that were offered for sale by dealers for far less than their value. If you’re selling you need to go to someone qualified in Gemstones and diamonds as well as precious metals.

sapphire ring

Evaluate Your Jewelry for Free

Madeleine provides free jewelry evaluations for antique dealers and laypeople alike.

Many people unknowingly sell 14, 18, or 22-karat jewelry at yard sales for pennies or give them away for free. They’ll never know the actual value of their pieces.

Make sure to take your jewels to Madeleine before selling them. Madeleine will provide an honest free assessment of your jewelry and determine whether it is genuine or synthetic. Madeleine will do evaluations on items donated to charities also. She’s equipped with the tools and expertise to find out if you’ve quite literally struck gold—and she does so for free. ACID doesn’t lie.

Please stop in today and discover the true value of your treasure with a free evaluation.

orange ring

A Consummate Expert of the Trade

Madeleine possesses unique qualifications in the jewelry trade, making her the most trusted choice for customers. Madeleine is a licensed and certified gemologist and bench mechanic, and expertly skilled in her profession. She deploys her skills to perform artisan-level repairs, restorations, and duplications, ensuring her customers’ jewelry maintains the highest quality and beauty.

Madeleine’s keen eye for detail and genuine care for her customers’ jewelry has earned her a reputation amongst the community. When you bring your damaged or broken jewelry into our shop, you’ll leave with a beautiful piece that looks good as new. You can feel confident knowing that a graduate gemologist takes care of your jewelry with your goals in mind.

A True Artisan and Treasure Hunter

Madeleine loves searching for and discovering the next stunning piece of jewelry, attending trade and antique shows across the country in pursuit of items to add to her collection. If you have jewelry and you don’t know the value you may make an appointment for a free and honest verbal evaluation. This eliminates the angst of having to pay before knowing if your item is worth paying for a written appraisal.

Madeleine buys jewelry for a reasonable price, ensuring you leave the shop with the honest amount possible. She’s built a reputation for being honest and trustworthy with every transaction. Whether you’re interested in selling a genuine or costume piece, Madeleine is interested in evaluating it and treating you with fairness and respect. I treat people the way I would like to be treated. I will go through your items and teach you as I do the evaluation.

I am a treasure hunter! I recently attended an antique show in Wilmington where a jewelry dealer was selling. I purchased a diamond ring for $5.00!!! The dealer was obviously unaware of what the value was, but worse is so was the person who sold her the diamond ring.

Contact Madeleine for an Exclusive Appointment