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An Excellent Selection of Silver Jewelry in Delmarva

Sasha's Jewels is a leading provider of fine silver jewelry in Delmarva. Expert gemologist and bench mechanic Madeleine Sasha’s services and knowledge are unmatched in the area. Madeleine is your source for helpful guidance and friendly service, providing the widest selection of quality items. Madeleine is attentive to your desires and ensures that you walk away with a stunning piece. Madeleine loves helping customers shine by elevating their style. Whether you’re shopping for a special occasion or in the mood to purchase a random gift for yourself, she’ll help you find the best piece for your purposes.

Discover Your Unique Style

Madeleine is devoted to providing quality for your style through the talents and expertise of a certified gemologist and bench mechanic. Madeleine is passionate about enhancing your look and making you radiate. Madeleine is here to guide you through your selection process and choose the perfect piece for you. If you’re looking for the following styles, she can help you:



Zirconia accented jewelry radiates with blue, green, and red hues, precisely emulating the terrific look of Sapphire Emerald and Ruby at excellent price points. Their wearability is unmatched.



These beautiful, one-of-a-kind pieces descend from the desert hills of the Southwest for your sense of style. From Navajo to Zuni tribes, the wide selection of Apache-inspired items is made with sterling silver, Turquoise, Coral onyx, and malachite for the ultimate beauty.


Religious Style

Prepare to embrace your faith with an excellent selection of religious-style jewelry. Madeleine provides the star of David, the third eye state of enlightenment, crosses, and other holy relics made in silver.


Gothic Style

If you prefer the dark side, Madeleine's gothic pieces will be perfect for you. You can indulge in the macabre with a selection of skulls, bones, and Grim Reaper pieces made from sterling and perfect for your style.


Men and Women

Regardless of your style or preferences, Madeleine makes wearable jewelry both men and women absolutely love.

Offering an Amazing Variety

Madeleine understands there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution to style. That’s why she provides customers with the broadest selection of quality sterling and jewels.

Madeleine will help you find the perfect piece by learning your interests and determining the most suitable options when you look through the selection. She provides ultimate customer satisfaction by tailoring services to your specific needs, so you can walk away with a great piece that will bring you beauty and happiness for years to come.

Contact Madeleine for an Exclusive Appointment