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Vast Collection of New Jewelry in Delmarva

Sasha's Jewels offers customers the best selection of new jewelry in Delmarva. Madeleine sources her inventory from prime locations across the nation, always striving to find the best deals for customers. Madeleine will provide you with an excellent collection of sterling silver, precious gemstones, and the highest-quality crystals and diamonds that will complete your style with radiance and shimmer. Madeleine is skilled and knowledgeable in the art of buying, selling, repairing, and restoring quality pieces for your complete satisfaction. Regardless of your wants and desires, Madeleine will deliver the pieces that suit your taste and fulfill your dreams.

assorted rings

A Choice Selection Sourced From All Over the Country

Madeleine’s goal is to provide the most quality at the most affordable price points. That’s why Madeleine sources her selection from all over the U.S.A. to find the best value. She offers items from discontinued styles and other shops that are getting rid of their inventory, providing customers with the best deals in the area.

Most new pieces already include the original stone or diamond when it hits shelves. However, if you find a piece to your liking but want to replace the current stone or diamond with your own, Madeleine will perform removal and gentle resetting, ensuring you have the piece of your dreams. Your stone or diamond will look like it’s always belonged to your piece. Madeleine can also offer a selection of stones in-store for your customized piece.

Whatever your needs, Madeleine is here to sell and customize the perfect piece for you.

blue sapphire ring

Collections to Fulfill Your Style

With a wide selection of excellent pieces to choose from, you’ll find the perfect piece for you. Our shop is comprised of helpful, caring, friendly professionals who attentively listen to our customers, delivering on their wants and desires. We’ll walk with you while you peruse our shop for your next piece, answering your questions, evaluating your taste, and helping you determine what item is most suitable for you.

When you’re in our shop, we treat you like family by showing the utmost care for your items and your style. When you leave our shop, you feel comfortable and confident knowing you’ve walked out with the best item possible. We love our customers, and we’re excited to serve you.

Contact Madeleine for an Exclusive Appointment