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Estate and Vintage Jewelry in Delmarva

Sasha's Jewels is here for customers who want to buy, sell, repair, restore, or duplicate estate and vintage jewelry in Delmarva. knowledgeable and seasoned gemologist and bench mechanic Madeleine Sasha has over 40 years of experience serving customers with quality items that make them shine. Madeleine’s shop is filled with a wide selection of exceptional and unusual items that dazzle with beauty. Customers trust Madeleine to restore, enhance, and bring their jewelry back to life with the utmost care and attention to detail. Madeleine is passionate about your style and sense of happiness, and she’ll take excellent care of you and your items. Schedule a private appointment and Madeleine’s entire shop to yourself!

We Provide Expert Services for You

Whether you want to sell an old piece you don’t wear anymore or buy a new piece to add to your collection, Madeleine is here to help you. She can repair your jewelry to proper functionality and restore pieces to their original glory. professional gemologist Madeleine Sasha has years of experience helping people with their jewelry needs, giving them fantastic customer service and a friendly attitude along the way. She can help you with the following:



Looking to get rid of a necklace, earrings, or a ring but unsure where to go? Madeleine will evaluate the piece for free and determine a fair price, taking it off your hands without ever pressuring you to buy. Madeleine partners with other jewelry stores and is happy to buy with them. She buys gold, silver, custom jewelry coins, watches, flatware, loose stones, and dental gold. Madeleine is open to purchasing broken pieces as well. Bottom line: Madeleine will appraise and almost anything.



Madeleine Sasha is your trusted source for offering new and used jewelry. Whether you seek a necklace, ring, or earrings for a special someone or want to purchase for yourself, Madeleine's wide selection is sure to make you shine. Best of all, Madeleine respects your wishes and will never pressure you to sell your item.



When a beloved piece of jewelry gets broken or damaged, you want the best professional to attend to your needs and fix your jewelry correctly. Madeleine is equipped with the tools necessary to repair your damaged jewelry.



If you want your pieces to be restored and look as awesome as the first day you bought them, then Madeleine Sasha is the right bench mechanic to meet your needs. Madeleine has the knowledge and capabilities to restore your pieces in their entirety.



Did you lose an earring but still have the other? Do you want to have multiple beautiful rings with the same appearances? If so, we can duplicate your jewelry, creating exact copies that match your unique style.

Providing Years of Expertise and Service

Madeleine Sasha possesses over 40 years of cases and moldings collected throughout time to help customers with their needs. She is uniquely qualified to size delicate Filigree jewelry in yellow, white gold, and sterling silver, handling them with the utmost care and precise placement. Madeleine offers a wide selection of replacement pieces for broken or damaged jewelry so your piece can become functional once again. Madeleine takes care of customers and meets all their needs. From restoration to duplication, Madeleine’s shop is the most caring and attentive for your precious items.

Receive a Complete Acid Test

Take your jewelry to Madeleine before deciding to sell at a yard sale. Madeleine will determine the precise value of your item by performing an acid test, the most reliable and accurate way of finding a piece of jewelry’s true worth. Acid doesn’t lie!

Contact Madeleine for an Exclusive Appointment